Journalism’s Voice Continues to Fade…

The voice for the voiceless continues to fade. Gannett this week announced another large round of cuts to newsrooms across the country. Did we just experience the hardest decade in journalism, asks The Poyner Institue in an extremely interesting read.  As a...
New Year’s Eve Reflections

New Year’s Eve Reflections

I don’t like to blog unless I have something truly interesting to say. That’s why I haven’t blogged since September, when I interviewed a bunch of reporters who were much more interesting than me. I also don’t like to blog because I write for a living, and when you...
WTF USA Today Network?

WTF USA Today Network?

I’ve been struggling recently to come up with a good topic to blog about for Fat Cat Commmunications. Then, a good idea just fell into my lap.  Today, I finished writing a blog for one of my client’s on best practices in customer communications and...
I killed a 16-year-old kid.

I killed a 16-year-old kid.

The news cycle in Cincinnati has been dominated the past few days by the tragic death of a 16-year-old student involved in a freak accident where the backseat of his minivan flipped, trapped him and ultimately caused him to die of asphyxiation. Questions are swirling...