Why Fat Cat

Emotion vs Logic

Value – With 20 years of experience and a deep network of contacts, you are supported by an executive-level counselor at an affordable cost.

Flexibility – Hourly rates and retainers are not required. Pay for specific projects with defined objectives.

Creativity – Your own national holiday? A successful world record bid? Press conferences with the governor? We’ve done all that and more. What can we do for you?

Why Fat Cat

Why the odd business name? In a moment…

The goal of all communications – public relations, marketing, advertising, social media — is to say it right.
Say it at the right time, to the right people and in the right way to persuade action.

What persuades people to action? Emotion.

Emotion is scientifically proven to drive decision-making. In fact, an emotional connection matters more to
brand performance than customer satisfaction according to a study published in the Harvard Business
Review. Quite simply, emotion trumps logic when it comes to the decisions we make.

Fat Cat Communications will help you communicate to your target audience with emotion and earn
attention for what you want to say in the moments that matter to people.

To purr-suade them to act. Right meow.

So why the odd name? I asked my kids to name the business and they wanted to name it after our fat cat, Paul.

Emotion trumps logic.